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multitouch timelines for javascript

Touch Controls

Mouse Controls

API Basics

include timeline.js

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

create a div with a height

<div id="timeline" style="height:200px;"></div>

initialize the timeline


it looks like this:

InitialĀ­ization Options

pass in an object to the initialization to set the options

   fgColor: 'chartreuse',
   ptColor: 'violet',
   dragColor: 'aqua',
   ptRadius: 30,
   points: [[.25, .5], [.5,.75], [.75,.5]]

available options


resize like this:

$("#timeline").timeline('resize', 200, 200)

Setting points

just get the timeline object and call setPoints. Don't do this during a drag.

$("#timeline").timeline().setPoints([[.25,.25], [.75,.75]])

Getting points

var updatePoints = function(){
    var points = $("#timeline").timeline().getPoints();
    var str = "<dl>";
    for(var i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) {
        str += "<dt>" + points[i][0].toFixed(2) + "</dt>";
        str += "<dd>" + points[i][1].toFixed(2) + "</dd>";
    str += "<dl>";
$("#timeline").bind('change', updatePoints);